Кафедра́льный собо́р в го́роде Бу́ргос — собор Богоматери в городе Бургосе, провинция Бургос, Испания.
Arco de Santa María in Burgos, Spain, is to one of the twelve medieval gates the city had during the middle ages.
The Museum of Human Evolution is situated on the south bank of the river Arlanzón, in the Spanish city of Burgos.
Атапуэрка — пещерные стоянки древнего человека в горах Сьерра-де-Атапуэрка на севере Испании.
The Castle of Miranda de Ebro is a mediaeval fortification located in Miranda de Ebro, Spain.
The Church of Nuestra Señora del Manzano or Iglesia de Santa María del Manzano is a Catholic church in the town of Castrojeriz, in the…
«Хоро́ший, плохо́й, злой» — спагетти-вестерн Серджо Леоне, завершающий «долларовую трилогию».
Frías Castle is the castle of the Dukes of Frías, located in Frías, overlooking the Tobalina valley.
Frías Castle is the castle of the Dukes of Frías, located in Frías, overlooking the Tobalina valley.
Rioseco Abbey is a former Cistercian abbey situated in Rioseco in the Valle de Manzanedo, in the present province of Burgos, near the River…
The Monastery of San Salvador was a Benedictine monastery in the town of Oña, in the province of Burgos, central Spain, founded in 1011,…
Castru Valnera or Castro Valnera is a peak located in the central area of the Cantabrian Mountains, in Burgos, northern Spain.