Ке́мбриджский университе́т, Кембридж — крупнейший государственный университет Великобритании.
Музей Фицуильяма — музей искусств и истории при Кембриджском университете в городе Кембридж.
The Museum of Classical Archaeology is a museum in Cambridge, England, housed in the Faculty of Classics of the University of Cambridge.
Имперский военный музей в Даксфорде — крупнейший в Великобритании авиационный музей, филиал Имперского военного музея.
Denny Abbey is a former abbey near Waterbeach, about 6 miles north of Cambridge in Cambridgeshire, England.
The Whipple Museum of the History of Science is a museum attached to the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, which houses an extensive…
Oliver Cromwell's House in Ely, Cambridgeshire, England was the family home of Oliver Cromwell.
Come and see a windmill constructed in the 19th century and learn about rural life. You'll see many artefacts here, too.
Denny Abbey is a former abbey near Waterbeach, about 6 miles north of Cambridge in Cambridgeshire, England.