Осписио-Кабаньяс — больница в городе Гвадалахара, столице мексиканского штата Халиско.
An amazing park offering beautiful nature and stunning scenic views of the Barranca de Oblatos gorge is not something you want to miss.
Гуачимонтонес или Уачимонтонес — археологический памятник доколумбовых времён около мексиканского города Теучитлан, штат Халиско.
Yelapa is a small beach town in Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco, Mexico. The village lies in the southernmost cove of Bahía de Banderas.
Several restaurants surrounding square with a bandstand is just the right place to enjoy the music of the local mariachi.
Situated right next to the Museo Regional on the north side of the Plaza de Liberación, this palace is where the state congress meets.