Seif Palace is a palace in Kuwait City, Kuwait. Located opposite the Grand Mosque, one of Seif Palace's best-known features is the watch…
The Avenues Mall is the second largest shopping mall in the Persian Gulf region.
Кувейтские башни — комплекс из трёх железобетонных башен в Эль-Кувейте, расположенных на мысу, выдающемся в воды Персидского залива.
The Scientific Center of Kuwait, located in Salmiya, Kuwait, serves as a center for environmental education in the Persian Gulf region.
Большая мечеть — самая большая мечеть в государстве Кувейт. Территория 45 000 квадратных метров, из которых здание непосредственно покрывает…
Al-Hashemi-II is the largest dhow ever built, and is one of the largest wooden ships in the world today.
Carino's Italian is a United States-based chain of Italian food casual dining restaurants.
Carino's Italian is a United States-based chain of Italian food casual dining restaurants.