Национальный музей изящных искусств Квебека — музей искусства в городе Квебек, провинция Квебек, Канада.
Музей цивилизации — музей в Квебеке, открывшийся 19 декабря 1988 года. Здание музея спроектировал Моше Сафди.
A striking museum with interactive shows that presents the history of Quebec from its colonial beginnings.
This beautiful historic house shows the typical French colonist architecture. Its thick stone walls and high chimney are typical.
This museum deals with the history of French colonization of Quebec. You can admire various artifacts from that times.
The Musée de l'Amérique francophone, formerly the Musée de l'Amérique française, is situated in the Old Quebec neighbourhood of Quebec City…