St. James's Parish Church is a church in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. It is dedicated to St.
The very heart of the old town, both architecturally and by its feel. Walk around, watch passers-by and enjoy the historical buildings.
Люблянская опера — каменное здание расположенное в городе Любляне в Словении по улице Люпанчичева, построенное в неоренессансном стиле в…
Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity, officially Holy Trinity Parish Church in Ljubljana, also Nun Church, is a parish church in Ljubljana,…
The Cobblers' Bridge or the Shoemakers' Bridge is a pedestrian bridge crossing the river Ljubljanica in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.
As the name might suggest, this historical square holds a memorial to Napoleon's Illyrian Provinces. There are other monuments, too.
Ljubljana Town Hall is the town hall in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, is the seat of the City Municipality of Ljubljana.
The square serves as a remnant of the Yugoslavian past of the country and remains in the memory of Slovenians as the place where their…
The Butchers' Bridge is a footbridge crossing the river Ljubljanica in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.
Rožnik is a hill in the Rožnik District and Šiška District northwest of the Ljubljana city center.
A pleasant riverside promenade where the locals like to go for a walk to enjoy the city atmosphere. Ideal for people-watching.
The innermost part of the old town has its unmistakable vibe. The narrow cobbled street widens into a spacious square surrounded by amazing…
Станция Любляна — главная пассажирская железнодорожная станция в словенском городе Любляне, входит в Словенские железные дороги.
Congress Square is one of the central squares in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.
Национальная и университетская библиотека, основанная в 1774 году, — один из важнейших образовательных и культурных учреждений Словении.
Дорога воспоминаний и товарищества — белая песчаная дорога в Любляне протяжённостью 34 километра, вымощенная вокруг города на том месте,…
На́вье — мемориальный парк с захоронениями выдающихся словенцев в Любляне.
Selo Mansion is a mansion at Zalog Street west of the intersection with Kajuh Street in the former village of Selo in the Moste District of…
Bokalce Castle is a castle or mansion in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. It stands at 312m above sea level.
Международный центр графического искусства в Любляне — художественный музей в словенском городе Любляна, созданный в 1986 году; расположен…
Originally Roman ruins that were rebuilt to house what were probably the first Christian churches in the city.