Fabbriche di Careggine was a medieval-era Italian village in Tuscany built in 1270.
Lago di Vagli is a lake in the Province of Lucca, Tuscany, Italy. It was created in 1953 after the construction of a dam.
Via Vandelli is a historical commercial and military road, designed and built in the 18th century by Domenico Vandelli under the reign of…
Located above the city of Massa, in Tuscany, just 20 minutes from the city center and 30 minutes from Marina di Massa.
Пизанино — горная вершина в Италии, регионе Тоскана. Высочайшая точка Апуанских Альп.
Monte Tambura is a mountain in the Alpi Apuane, in Tuscany, central Italy. It is the second highest peak in the chain after Monte Pisanino.