Phantasialand is a theme park in Brühl, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany that attracts approximately 2 million visitors annually.
Дворец Аугустусбург и охотничий замок Фалькенлуст расположены в садовом ландшафте города Брюль и относятся к самым ранним образцам…
An impressive water castle dating back to the 15th century. It used to be a seat of the famous family of Wolff-Metternich.
Schloss Türnich is a schloss located in Türnich, now part of Kerpen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
This 15th-century castle with a long history has been damaged and restored many times. Now, it is newly furnished and houses offices.
Пульхайм — город в Германии, в земле Северный Рейн-Вестфалия.
Ха́нс «Хеннес» Вайсва́йлер — немецкий футболист и тренер.
Winja's Fear & Force is the generic term for two spinning roller coasters, Winja's Fear and Winja's Force, at Phantasialand in Germany.
Black Mamba is an inverted roller coaster built by Bolliger & Mabillard in the German theme park Phantasialand.
A 13th century watercastle hosts several events throughout the year, including the Christmas market and concerts.
River Quest is a river rapids ride in German theme park Phantasialand.