Гавия — перевал в Южных Известняковых Альпах в Италии. Расположен между горными массивами Собретта-Гавия на западе и Ортлес на востоке.
A small duty-free town located in Italian Alps.
Апри́ка — город в Италии, в провинции Сондрио области Ломбардия.
Piz Badile is a mountain of the Bregaglia range in the Swiss canton of Graubünden and the Italian region of Lombardy.
Те́льо — коммуна в Италии, в провинции Сондрио области Ломбардия. Расположена на границе со Швейцарией, примерно в 100 км к северо-востоку…
Strada statale 38 dello Stelvio is a motorway that connects Valtellina with the South Tyrolean Vinschgau via the Stelvio Pass, to continue…
Torre di Roncisvalle is a tower overlooking Valtellina at an altitude of 689 metres, located in the Castionetto district of Chiuro, in the…
Гора Дисграция — главная вершина Бергельских Альп, одна из наиболее значимых гор в Восточных Альпах.
Piz di Pian is a mountain of the Lepontine Alps on the Swiss-Italian border.
Bacino di San Giacomo is a reservoir in the Province of Sondrio, Lombardy, Italy.
Piz Argient is a mountain in the Bernina Range of the Alps on the border between Italy and the Swiss canton of Graubünden.
San Barnaba is a Baroque architecture, Roman Catholic parish church in Modena, Italy.
Cima Piazzi, Cima de' Piazzi, del Piazzi or di Piazzi is the highest mountain of the Livigno Alps in Lombardy, Italy.
Пунта-Перруккетти — гора на границе Италии и Швейцарии.
Pizzo Scalino is a mountain of the Bernina Range in Lombardy, Italy. It is known as the Valemalenco Matterhorn due to its pyramidal shape…
Punta Scais is a mountain of Lombardy, Italy. It is located in the Bergamo Alps.
Monte Torena is a mountain in Lombardy, Italy, located within the Bergamo Alps.
Maria Laura Mainetti was an Italian Catholic sister from the Sisters of the Cross institute.
Palon de la Mare is a mountain of Lombardy, Italy. It has an elevation of 3,703 metres.
Corno Stella is a mountain of Lombardy, Italy. It is located within the Bergamo Alps.