Замок Буонконсильо — замок в итальянском городе Тренто, один из важнейших культурно-исторических памятников области Трентино-Альто-Адидже.
Maretsch Castle is a castle located in the historic center of Bolzano, South Tyrol, northern Italy.
Рункельштайн — средневековый замок в коммуне Ренон, в провинции Больцано, в регионе Трентино-Альто-Адидже, Италия.
Prösels Castle is a castle in the Gothic style which stands on the high plain below the Schlern mountain, in South Tyrol.
Franzensfeste Fortress is a fortress situated in the village of Franzensfeste, in South Tyrol, Italy.
Reifenstein Castle is a castle in Freienfeld, near Sterzing, in South Tyrol. It is located near a dried marsh, in the valley of the Eisack.
Замок Арко — средневековый замок на высокой скале над городом Арко в провинции Трентино — Альто-Адидже на севере Италии.
Trauttmansdorff Castle is located in northern Italy and has been owned by the Trauttmansdorff family for roughly 500 years.
This 17th-century castle served as a summer and hunting lodge to a Tyrolean count. It has retained its former beauty.
Тироль — средневековый замок в коммуне Тироло рядом с городом Мерано, в провинции Больцано, в области Трентино-Альто-Адидже на севере…
The Castle of Avio is a medieval castle in the comune Avio, Trentino, northern Italy.
Juval Castle is a medieval castle located at the entrance of the Schnalstal, in the Vinschgau, above the village of Naturns in the comune…