Бутри́нти — археологический музей-заповедник на юге Албании неподалёку от Саранды, близ границы с Грецией.
Сюри-и-Кальтер — карстовый источник, редкий геологический объект, расположенный на юге Албании в окрестностях города Саранда.
Porto Palermo Castle is a castle near Himarë in southern Albania. It is situated in the bay of Porto Palermo, a few kilometers south of…
The baptistery at Butrint , is an archeological site in Vlorë County, Albania and part of the Butrint National Park, is a late antique…
St. Nicholas Monastery Church is the katholikon of the abandoned Orthodox monastery of Saint George in Mesopotam, Vlorë County, Albania.
Phoenice or Phoenike was an ancient Greek city in Epirus and capital of the Chaonians.
Канина — средневековая крепость на юго-западе Албании, неподалёку от Влёры.
Amantia was an ancient city located on the territory of the Amantes, in a transboundary region between Epirus and southern Illyria in…