Hedeby Viking Museum

Местное названиеWikingerhäuser Haithabu
МестоположениеBusdorf, Deutschland

The Hedeby Viking Museum is a museum near the site of Hedeby, a former medieval city in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany focusing on the Viking Age history of the region. While the region is now in modern Germany, it was once the oldest city in Denmark until it was ceded in 1864. The museum features reconstructions of various Viking Age dwellings, ships, and houses numerous artifacts discovered during the ongoing archaeological research of the area.

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Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedeby_Viking_Museum

Official Website https://haithabu.de/

Адрес 24866, Germany

Координаты 54°29'28.523" N 9°34'1.247" E

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