Международный Вестминстерский университет

Местное названиеToshkent xalqaro Vestminster universiteti
МестоположениеТашкент, Узбекистан

Westminster International University in Tashkent is an international university in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. It was founded in 16 January 2002 by the Umid Foundation, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of Uzbekistan, and the University of Westminster in London. The university admitted its first students in 2002, enrolling 120 students. It is considered the first international university in Uzbekistan and the first internationally accredited institution in Central Asia.

The university has been described in International Education: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Issues and Systems as "successful in attracting students with high academic credentials".

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Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_International_University_in_Tashkent

Official Website https://www.wiut.uz/

Телефон +998712387400

Координаты 41°18'23.807" N 69°16'54.713" E

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