Тринити-колледж был основан в 1592 году королевой Елизаветой I, и является частью Дублинского университета.
Полное название — Колледж Королевы Елизаветы Святой и Нераздельной Троицы около Дублина
Guided tours of the Historic College Campus (with Admission to the Old Library and the Book of Kells) are available. The schedules vary throughout the year - for further information, please visit the official website.
Guided tours:
Adults: €15
Seniors (60+), students: €14
Students (under 18, accompanied by teacher): €7 (Oct - Mar), €11 (Apr - Sep)
Family (2 + up to 4): €30
It is possible to take a guided tour of the College without admission to the Old Library and the Book of Kells for €6.
Wikipedia https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тринити-колледж_(Дублин)
Official Website https://www.tcd.ie/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinitycollegedublin/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/trinitycollegedublin
Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/trinitycollegedublin
Link https://twitter.com/tcddublin
Эл. почта admissions@tcd.ie
Телефон +353-1-8961000
Адрес College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland
Координаты 53°20'37.407" N -6°15'16.62" E