Ponta de São Lourenço je nejvýchodnější část ostrova Madeira. Má tvar úzké šíje přecházející ve dva ostrůvky.
Vyhliadková terasa, ktorá vám ponúka krásny výhľad na mesto, ktoré vás obklopuje.
Tento očarujúci trh predáva všetko od čerstvého ovocia, zeleniny a rýb, až po kvety a tkané koše a výšivky. 23. decembra (alebo Noc trhu,…
Time Out Market Lisboa is a food hall located in the Mercado da Ribeira at Cais do Sodré in Lisbon, Portugal.
Ponta da Piedade is a headland with a group of rock formations along the coastline of the town of Lagos, in the Portuguese region of the…
Katedrála Nanebevzetí Panny Marie v Sé stojí ve farnosti Sé ve Funchalu. Byla zbudována v létech 1493 až 1518.
Prírodné sopečné bazény sprevádzané reštauráciou, barom, toaletami, šatňami a plavčíkmi. Veľká pláž je v pešej vzdialenosti.
Park nesie meno po Eduardovi VII., kráľovi Veľkej Británie, a ukrýva veľký skleník Estufa Fria, v ktorom rastie mnoho exotických druhov…
Boca do Inferno is a chasm located in the seaside cliffs close to the Portuguese city of Cascais, in the District of Lisbon.
The official residence of the President of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. A part of the gardens are open to the public.
The Chapel of Nossa Senhora das Vitórias, dedicated to Our Lady of the Victories, a small funerary chapel on the southwestern corner of…
The Igreja de Santo Ildefonso is an eighteenth-century church in Porto, Portugal. The church is located near Batalha Square.
The church has beautifully decorated walls and ceiling. You can also climb the tower and admire the wonderful views.
Discover the secrets of wine production in this cellar. The company is considered one of the best in Porto area and was founded in 1859.
Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira is a collegiate church in Guimarães, Portugal. It is classified as a National Monument.
This tiny hexagonal building is a place with an intriguing view of the ocean and the surrounding beach.
Estádio do Dragão je futbalový štadión v Porte v Portugalsku. Na tomto štadióne hráva svoje domáce zápasy klub FC Porto.
Ponta do Pico je s výškou 2 351 m najvyšší vulkán na Azorských ostrovoch. Nachádza sa na juhozápadnom okraji ostrova s rovnakým menom.
Praia de Porto Santo is a beach located near the town Vila Baleira, on the island of Porto Santo, Portugal.