Chufuova pyramída je jedna z pyramíd, najväčšia z egyptských pyramíd a jediný dodnes existujúci div sveta zo siedmich divov sveta.
Táto rozprávková sopečná lagúna je domovom endemických slepých krabov albínov.
Nachádza sa zhruba 19 km od mesta Káhira. Táto oblasť je plná zvyškov toho, čo bolo kedysi hlavným mestom Starého kráľovstva a hlavným…
One of the most remote places in Tenerife, a little cape featuring many natural beauties and a photogenic lighthouse. A great getaway.
Sakkára je dedina v Egypte, ako aj rozsiahle priľahlé staroveké pohrebisko, kde sa nachádza najstaršia stojaca pyramída.
Visit these spectacular coastline rock formations to see the raging of the waves in the eroded lava arches.
Masca is a small mountain village on the island of Tenerife. It was originally a Guanche settlement before the Spanish conquest in 1496.
Plaza de España je náměstí města Santa Cruz de Tenerife na Kanárských ostrovech ve Španělsku. Je to také největší náměstí Kanárských ostrovů.
Cape Point je najjuhovýchodnejší bod Kapského polostrova a Afriky.
Sea Point is an affluent and densely populated suburb of Cape Town, situated between Signal Hill and the Atlantic Ocean, a few kilometres…
Prajeme vám príjemné popoludnie na pláži s bielym granitickým pieskom nachádzajúcim sa v blízkosti exkluzívnej rezidenčnej štvrti.
Le Caudan Waterfront is a commercial development in Port Louis, the capital city of Mauritius.
The Tsitsikamma National Park is a protected area on the Garden Route, Western Cape and Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Stonetown of Zanzibar, also known as Mji Mkongwe, is the old part of Zanzibar City, the main city of Zanzibar, in Tanzania.
Sesriem is a small settlement in the Namib Desert, in the Hardap Region of Namibia, close to the southern end of the Naukluft Mountains.
The Flying Dutchman Funicular, also known as the Cape Point Funicular, is a funicular railway located at Cape Point, near the Cape of Good…
Explore the authentic villages scattered over Elephantine and marvel at the traditional, richly decorated houses.
The Mosque of Ibn Tulun is located in Cairo, Egypt. It is one of the oldest mosques in Egypt as well as the whole of Africa surviving in its…
The only national park of Mauritius has a spectacular wild forest with over 300 species of flowering plants and several unique bird…
A colonial architectural gem with a beautiful large organ and a venue for concerts and various meetings.
Kartágo bolo staroveké mesto v Severnej Afrike na pobreží Stredozemného mora v dnešnom Tunisku.