Táto ulička je jedným z najkrajších miest na Starom Meste. Je obklopený mnohými reštauráciami, ktoré ponúkajú hlavne španielsku a taliansku…
Nachádza sa v samom srdci starého mesta, tento komplex je sídlom mestskej rady a mestskej správy a jedným z hlavných pamiatok v meste.
Táto veža je jedinou zachovanou časťou bývalého paláca a má tri okrúhle podlahy a jeden šesťuholníkový s toskánskymi stĺpmi.
Tento kostol je zaujímavý zvonku a aj zvnútra - má impozantné orgány a vo svojej veži bronzové zvony.
This bronze sculpture commemorates the history of Düsseldorf. It reminds of wars and battles won, and other important historic achievements.
The Kunstakademie Düsseldorf is the academy of fine arts of the state of North Rhine Westphalia at the city of Düsseldorf, Germany.
The Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen is the art collection of the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, in Düsseldorf.
The Church of St. Andreas is a Roman Catholic parish church situated in the center of the German city of Düsseldorf.
The Neanderkirche is a Protestant church in the centre of Düsseldorf, the Altstadt.
Centrum súčasného umenia známe svojimi rôznymi zaujímavými výstavami. Samotná budova, postavená v roku 1967 z betónu, je celkom pamiatkou a…
The brewery has a tradition of over 150 years. Order a traditional German meal and swill it out with their own renown beer Füchschen Alt.
In the back room of this house, the poet Heinrich Heine was born. Today, it is a centre of literature - it hosts events in its literary café.
This monument at Marktplatz is a Baroque equestrian statue depicting Jan Wellem, the Duke of Jülich-Berg.
The Kunstakademie Düsseldorf is the arts academy of the city of Düsseldorf, Germany.
The Komödchen is a cabaret stage in Düsseldorf.
Killepitsch is a herb liqueur from Düsseldorf, Germany. It is a blood red colour and is flavoured with fruits, berries, herbs and spices.
This fountain shows boys cartwheeling - a popular activity in the city since the 13th century.
Johanna Ey was a German art dealer during the 1920s. She became known as Mutter Ey for the nurturing support she provided to her artists,…