Navštívte najznámejšiu pamiatku kúpeľov, ktorá sa nachádza v centre mesta a každoročne priláka viac ako milión turistov, a tým je jednou z…
Pulteney Bridge je cestný oblúkový most v anglickom meste Bath premosťujúci rieku Avon.
The Circus is a historic ring of large townhouses in the city of Bath, Somerset, England, forming a circle with three entrances.
The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is a parish church of the Church of England and former…
Corridor or The Corridor may refer to:
Royal Crescent je pozoruhodná rezidenčná cesta 30 domov, rozprestierajúca sa do polmesiaca, v meste Bath v Anglicku.
Prior Park je nepravidelný, přírodně krajinářský park u sídla Prior Park. Jde o parkovou úpravu pozemku z 18. století.
The Theatre Royal in Bath, England, was built in 1805. A Grade II* listed building, it has been described by the Theatres Trust as "One of…
Sydney Gardens is a public open space at the end of Great Pulteney Street in Bath, Somerset, England.
The park is a pastiche of patches of lawn, flower beds and various shrubs. The star attractions are the sensory garden and white Wisteria.
The Fashion Museum was housed in the Assembly Rooms in Bath, Somerset, England.
Royal Victoria Park is located in Bath, England. It was opened in 1830 by the 11-year-old Princess Victoria seven years before her ascension…
Sham Castle is a folly on Claverton Down overlooking the city of Bath, Somerset, England. It is a Grade II* listed building.
The small botanical garden makes for a nice wander. You can explore the rose, rock or woodland gardens and also coniferous and shrubbed…
Set out for a 6-mile walk which will take you across hills, woods and valleys around Bath. Have a family picnic or explore the local fauna.
The Two Tunnels Greenway is a shared use path for walking and cycling in Bath, Somerset, England.
Táto vápencová stavba bola navrhnutá v 18. storočí a skladá sa zo štyroch miestností, ktoré predstavujú veľkoleposť gruzínskej éry.
The Cotswold Way is a 102-mile long-distance footpath, running along the Cotswold Edge escarpment of the Cotswold Hills in England.
Little Solsbury Hill is a small flat-topped hill and the site of an Iron Age hill fort, above the village of Batheaston in Somerset,…
Beckford's Tower, originally known as Lansdown Tower, is an architectural folly built in neo-classical style on Lansdown Hill, just outside…
Ray Edward "Eddie" Cochran bol americký spevák, gitarista a skladateľ, priekopník rock and rollu.