The Old City is the medieval city center of Bern, Switzerland. Built on a narrow hill bordered on three sides by the river Aare, its compact…
The Zytglogge is a landmark medieval tower in Bern, Switzerland. Built in the early 13th century, it has served the city as a guard tower,…
Katedrála v Bernu, též katedrála svatého Vincenta, či bernský Münster je gotický kostel ve švýcarském městě Bern.
The Käfigturm is a Baroque tower in Bern, Switzerland. It is part of the UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site of the Old City of Bern and the…
The Einsteinhaus is a museum and a former residence of Albert Einstein. It is located on Kramgasse No. 49 in Bern, Switzerland.
A peaceful place to relax and admire countless roses of various species. There's also a wonderful view over the city.
The Zentrum Paul Klee is a museum dedicated to the artist Paul Klee, located in Bern, Switzerland and designed by the Italian architect…
The Museum of Fine Arts Bern, established in 1879 in Bern, is the museum of fine arts of the capital of Switzerland.
Holligen Castle is a castle in the municipality of Bern of the Canton of Bern in Switzerland.
The Zentrum Paul Klee is a museum dedicated to the artist Paul Klee, located in Bern, Switzerland and designed by the Italian architect…
Univerzita v Bernu či Bernská univerzita je německojazyčná univerzita založená v roce 1834 ve švýcarském Bernu ve stejnojmenném kantonu.
The Lorraine railway viaduct, or Lorraineviadukt, is a railway viaduct in the Swiss city of Bern.
The Bern Botanical Garden is a botanical garden located in Bern, the capital city of Switzerland.
The Neues Schloss Bümpliz is a castle in the section of Bümpliz-Oberbottigen in the city of Bern of the canton of Bern in Switzerland.
The Altes Schloss Bümpliz is a castle in the section of Bümpliz-Oberbottigen in the city of Bern of the canton of Bern in Switzerland.
Svetová poštová únia, zriedkavejšie prekladané ako Univerzálna poštová únia alebo Všeobecná poštová únia je medzinárodná organizácia, ktorá…
Michail Alexandrovič Bakunin, rus. Михаил Александрович Бакунин bol ruský revolucionár, ideológ anarchizmu a národníctva.
The Inselspital, also named the University Hospital of Bern, located in Bern, is one of the five university hospitals of Switzerland.
The Federal Office for the Environment is the Swiss environmental agency, a division of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport,…
The Federal Office for the Environment is the Swiss environmental agency, a division of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport,…
The Federal Office of Transport is a division of the Swiss Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications.