The Ruins of São Miguel das Missões, also known as São Miguel Arcanjo, and by its former Spanish name Misión de San Miguel Arcángel, is a…
São Francisco Square is a historic plaza in São Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brazil.
The Ruins of São Miguel das Missões, also known as São Miguel Arcanjo, and by its former Spanish name Misión de San Miguel Arcángel, is a…
Parque da Cidade Dom Nivaldo Monte, colloquially known as Parque da Cidade, is a park in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
The Cachoeira da Fumaça State Park is a state park in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, known for a dramatic waterfall.
Kristus Spasiteľ alebo Kristus Vykupiteľ je socha Ježiša Krista postavená v roku 1931 v Brazílii nad mestom Rio de Janeiro.
Upokojuje vás upokojujúca a relaxačná atmosféra tohto parku. Stromy okolo jazera pochádzajú až z Nemecka a boli tam vysadené v polovici 20.…
Escadaria Selarón, locally known as the 'Lapa Steps' for being situated at the "Lapa" neighborhood, is a set of world-famous steps in Rio…
The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, is a Catholic church located in the Brazilian city of Canela, Rio Grande do Sul.
Caracol Falls or Cascata do Caracol, is a 426-foot waterfall about 4.35 miles from Canela, Brazil in Caracol State Park.
Jeho špecifický tvar priniesol vrchol zaujímavý názov a stav jednej z najlepších pamiatok Rio.
The Museum of Tomorrow is a science museum in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden or Jardim Botânico is located at the Jardim Botânico district in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro.
Krásne zrekonštruovaný výťah Art Deco patrí k hlavným pamiatkam mesta.
Skutočný medzník Salvadoru. Tento 22-metrový maják bol postavený v 17. storočí, aby vyžaroval svoje signály prechádzajúcim lodiam, aby im…
Jericoacoara is a virgin beach hidden behind the dunes of the west coast of Jijoca de Jericoacoara, Ceará, Brazil.
Ponta Negra is a beach and neighborhood located in the Brazilian city of Natal, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte.
Tradičné nákupné centrum a jeden z najstarších svojho druhu sa nachádza hneď vedľa výťahu Lacerda a stojí oproti zálivu All Saints.
The place offers all sorts of souvenirs and traditional Pernambuco's handicrafts, such as wood carvings, clay figurines, leather goods, etc.
The Church of Our Lord of Bonfim is the most famous of the Catholic churches of Salvador, in the State of Bahia, Brazil.
Římskokatolická katedrála Zjevení Panny Marie v brazilském hlavním městě Brasília je katedrálním kostelem arcidiecéze Brasília.