The Museum of Tomorrow is a science museum in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Kým v Riu, musíte vyskúšať feijoada (portugalské jedlo s fazuľou a bravčovým mäsom).
Metropolitní katedrála svatého Šebestiána je katedrála v brazilském Riu de Janeiru.
The Theatro Municipal is an opera house in the Centro district of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Impozantná budova siahajúca do 80-tych rokov 19. storočia ponúka obrovskú zbierku kníh, ktoré musí každý knihomoľ vidieť.
The Candelária Church is an important historical Roman Catholic church in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in southeastern Brazil.
The Paço Imperial, or Imperial Palace, previously known as the Royal Palace of Rio de Janeiro and Palace of the Viceroys, is a historic…
The National Library of Brazil is the depository of the bibliographic and documentary heritage of Brazil.
The Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil is a cultural organization of the Bank of Brazil based in Brazil with centers in Belo Horizonte,…
Ilha Fiscal, or Fiscal Island, is an island in Guanabara Bay, bordering the historic city center of Rio de Janeiro, in southeastern Brazil.
The Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat, more commonly known as the Mosteiro de São Bento, is a Benedictine abbey located on the Morro de São…
Ak hľadáte naozaj pôsobivý interiér, navštívte tento dych berúci barokový kostol a jeden z architektonických skvostov Ria.
The National Historical Museum of Brazil, was created in 1922, and possesses over 287,000 items, including the largest numismatic…
The Museu Nacional de Belas Artes is a national art museum located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The Campo de Santana is a park located in the Praça da República in downtown Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Táto oblasť je živým miestom zhromažďovania s mnohými reštauráciami, barmi a obchodmi v okolí.
Bývalá budova Národného kongresu má dosť príbehov na to, aby sa dalo povedať - pustiť sa dovnútra a vidieť exponáty pre seba.
Tento impozantný kúsok architektúry nie je len administratívnym centrom mesta, ale aj majestátnou budovou, ktorá vám pripomenie časy dávno…
The Gustavo Capanema Palace, also known architecturally as the Ministry of Education and Health Building, is a government office building…
The former home of the federal court has been transformed into a cultural centre - check out their exhibitions and events.
The Praça XV de Novembro, is a public square in the Centro section of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.