Zakázané mesto bol čínsky cisársky palác počas dynastií Ming a Čching.
Brána nebeského pokoja alebo Brána nebeského mieru je hlavný vchod do bývalého cisárskeho paláca v Pekingu.
Ťing-šan je park v centru Pekingu, hlavního města Čínské lidové republiky.
The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, also known as the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong, is the final resting place of Mao Zedong, Chairman of the…
The Yonghe Temple, also known as the Yonghe Lamasery, or popularly as the Lama Temple, is a temple and monastery of the Gelug school of…
Beijing Temple of Confucius is the second-largest Confucian temple in China, after the one in Confucius's hometown of Qufu.
Kuo-ťia tchi-jü-čchang, známy aj ako Vtáčie hniezdo, je štadión s kapacitou 80 tisíc divákov v Pekingu v Číne.
The Imperial Ancestral Temple, or Taimiao of Beijing, is a historic site in the Imperial City, just outside the Forbidden City, where…
Silk Street, aka Silk Market or Silk Street Market, is a shopping center in Chaoyang District, Beijing, that accommodates over 1,700 retail…
798 Art Zone, or Dashanzi Art District, is a complex of 50-year-old decommissioned military factory buildings boasting a unique…
Popular shopping destination: five floors of practically everything from sunglasses to traditional silk dresses, fans and pearls.
Čung-jang tien-š'-tchaj cung-pu ta-lou je mrakodrap v Pekingu, hlavná budova čínskej televíznej stanice Čung-kuo čung-jang tien-š’-tchaj.
Pekingské národní plavecké centrum, známé také jako Vodní kostka, je stadion, postavený speciálně pro potřeby olympijských her v roce 2008.
The Beijing Ancient Observatory is a pretelescopic observatory located in Beijing, China.
Chaoyang Park is a park located on the site of the former Prince's Palace in Beijing's Chaoyang District.
Happy Valley Beijing is an amusement park in Beijing, built and operated by Beijing OCT, which is part of the Overseas Chinese Town Company.
The China Ethnic Museum is a museum in Beijing, China, located just to the west of the Olympic Green.
Národný krytý štadión je krytý štadión, ktorý sa nachádza v hlavnom meste Číny v Pekingu.
Siemens AG je najväčšia svetová konglomerátna spoločnosť. Jej medzinárodné vedenie sídli v Berlíne a v Mníchove.
The China National Film Museum is the largest professional film museum in the world.
Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne is a contemporary art gallery located in Lucerne and Beijing.