The Castle of Kars is a former fortification located in Kars, Turkey. It is also known under the name Iç Kale.
Palác İshak Paşa, též zván Palác Paši İshaka, turecky İshak Paşa Sarayı, se nachází na strmé skále v blízkosti íránské hranice v…
Ani bolo staroveké arménske mesto. Pozostatky mesta sú dnes archeologickou lokalitou a leží v tureckej provincii Kars neďaleko hraníc s…
The Fortress of Van is a massive stone fortification built by the ancient kingdom of Urartu during the 9th to 7th centuries BC, and is the…
Harput Castle, also known as Milk Castle, is a castle located in the historical Harput neighborhood within the borders of the current…
The Cathedral of Ani is the largest standing building in Ani, the capital city of medieval Bagratid Armenia, located in present-day eastern…
Ahlat is a town in Turkey's Bitlis Province in Eastern Anatolia Region. It is the seat of Ahlat District.
The Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Aghtamar Island, in Lake Van in eastern Turkey, is a medieval Armenian Apostolic cathedral, built as a…
Rumbling, 20 meters high waterfalls offer quite a scenery and number of scenic walks through the surrounding groves.
This tomb of a Saint who is believed to be a grandson of Muhammed is worth visiting for its wonderful setting - a paradise-like garden.
Hoşap Castle is a large medieval castle located in the village of Güzelsu, Gürpınar District, Van Province, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey.
Süphan Dağı je vyhasnutý stratovulkán, nachádzajúci sa na severnom brehu jazera Van vo východnej Anatólii v Turecku.
Çıldır je jezero v Turecku, provinciích v Ardahan a Kars. Nachází se v Karské vysočině na Arménské náhorní plošině v mezihorské kotlině.
The Cathedral of Mren is a 7th-century Armenian church in an abandoned medieval town site called Mren.
The Cathedral of Ani is the largest standing building in Ani, the capital city of medieval Bagratid Armenia, located in present-day eastern…
Khtzkonk Monastery was a monastic ensemble of five Armenian churches built between the seventh and thirteenth centuries in what was then…
Rusahinili", modern Toprakkale, is an ancient Urartian fortress built by Rusa I, located near the modern city of Van in eastern Turkey.
Çifte Minareli Medrese may refer to:
Tendürek Dağı je rozľahlý štítový vulkán, ležiaci vo východnej Anatólii v Turecku, juhozápadne od Araratu, blízko hraníc s Iránom.
Oshki is a Georgian Eastern Orthodox monastery from the second half of the 10th century located in the historic province of Tao, now part…