Záhrebská katedrála je rímskokatolícky kostol a katedrála Záhrebskej arcidiecézy a zároveň najznámejšia a najväčšia chorvátska kultúrno…
The Lotrščak Tower is a fortified tower located in Zagreb, Croatia, in an old part of town called Gradec or Gornji grad.
The Stone Gate is a landmark in the Upper Town of Zagreb, Croatia built between 1242 and 1266.
One of Zagreb's beautiful promenades, especially popular in summer when artists flock here. The tower nearby offers stunning views.
Muzej prekinutih veza je múzeum v Záhrebe v Chorvátsku, ktoré sa venuje nevydareným romantickým vzťahom.
St. Mark's Square is a square located in the old part of Zagreb, Croatia, called Gradec or Gornji grad.
Chorvatské muzeum naivního umění je muzeum v chrovatském hlavním městě Záhřebu, které vystavuje díla naivních umělců 20. století.
Zagreb City Museum or Museum of the City of Zagreb located in 20 Opatička Street, was established in 1907 by the Association of the…
Mirogoj je centrální hřbitov chorvatského hlavního města Záhřebu. S rozlohou téměř 7 hektarů je největším hřbitovem v Chorvatsku.
The Old City Hall is a complex of three adjacent buildings located in the Gradec neighbourhood in Zagreb, Croatia.
Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts is an art gallery in the center of Zagreb, Croatia.
Faculty of Science is a faculty of the University of Zagreb that comprises seven departments - biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,…
Faculty of Science is a faculty of the University of Zagreb that comprises seven departments - biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,…
Faculty of Science is a faculty of the University of Zagreb that comprises seven departments - biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,…
Faculty of Science is a faculty of the University of Zagreb that comprises seven departments - biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,…
Faculty of Science is a faculty of the University of Zagreb that comprises seven departments - biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,…
Faculty of Science is a faculty of the University of Zagreb that comprises seven departments - biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,…
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia is an institution that acts as the interpreter and guardian of the Croatian…
Faculty of Science is a faculty of the University of Zagreb that comprises seven departments - biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics,…