The Potocki Palace in Lviv was built in the 1880s as an urban seat of Alfred Józef Potocki, former Minister-President of Austria.
Arménská katedrála, celým názvem Arménská katedrála Nanebevzetí Panny Marie ve Lvově, architektonická památka národního významu, je…
Vysokyj Zamok je jedným z kopcov v ukrajinskom Ľvove a so svojou výškou 413 m tiež najvyšší bod pohoria Roztoččja.
Katedrála svätého Juraja je barokovo-rokoková katedrála Ukrajinskej gréckokatolíckej cirkvi.
The city of Lviv, Ukraine has had a series of town hall buildings since approximately 1357.
Katedrála Nanebovzatia Najsvätejšej Panny Márie alebo Latinská katedrála je rímskokatolíckou katedrálou v ukrajinskom meste Ľvov.
The City Arsenal is the oldest of three historic arsenal buildings in Lviv, Ukraine.
The Mickiewicz Square is one of the main squares in the city of Lviv, Ukraine.
The Bernardine church and monastery in Lviv, Ukraine, is located in the city's Old Town, south of the market square.
Ivan Franko Park, formerly known as Kościuszko Park and the Jesuit Gardens, is a park in Lviv, Ukraine. It is the oldest park in the country.
Kaple Boimů, přesněji kaple Nejsvětější Trojice a Umučení Krista, je památník sakrální architektury ve Lvově, nachází se na Katedrálním…
The Pharmacy Museum in Lviv, Ukraine, was opened in 1966 in the building of an old drugstore at the corner of the Market Square.
A memorial dedicated to Taras Schevchenko, a famous poet of Ukraine. It is placed in the city centre.
Considered to be one of the most beautiful parks in the whole Ukraine, this area is full of verdure. There is even a swan lake!
The Church of the Transfiguration in Lviv, Ukraine is located in the city's Old Town, just north of the market square.
An extensive exhibition hall covering more than 3,600 squared metres! Many events and concerts take place here.
The National Museum-Memorial of Victims of the Occupation Regimes, or the Prison on Łącki is a former detention center in Lviv, Ukraine,…
Rynok je centrální náměstí v historické části města Lvov. Má obdélníkový tvar a rozměry 142 × 129 metrů.
The Carmelite Church is a Ukrainian Greek Catholic parish church in Lviv.
Maria Zankovetska Theatre is a drama theatre in the centre of Lviv, Ukraine, at the intersection of Lesya Ukrayinka Street and Prospekt…
The Basilian monastery and Greek Catholic church of St. Onuphrius in Lviv, Ukraine is located north of the Old Town, at the base of the…