Láhaurská pevnosť je citadela v Láhaure v pakistanskej provincii Pandžáb.
Bádišáhova mešita je sakrální muslimská stavba ve městě Láhaur, hlavním městě státu Pandžáb v Pákistánu.
The Tomb of Allama Iqbal, or Mazar-e-Iqbal, is the final resting place of Muhammad Iqbal, the national poet of Pakistan.
Hazuri Bagh is a garden in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, bounded by the Lahore Fort to the east, Badshahi Mosque to the west, the Samadhi of…
The Haveli of Nau Nihal Singh, officially known as Government Victoria Girls' High School, is a haveli that houses a government school…
Jilani Park is located in the city of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. It is situated on the Jail Road in front of the Services Hospital.
Government Islamia College Civil Lines, formerly called Dayanand Anglo Vedic College, is a government college located in Lahore, Punjab,…