Nech už sa ocitnete v ktorejkoľvek časti zürišského Starého Mesta, určite odtiaľ neprehliadnete najväčší ciferník v Európe.
Kostol je miestom rozjímania a ticha už viac ako 1000 rokov. Postavili ho v roku 853 na mieste niekdajšieho opátstva pre ženy z vyšších…
Schipfe is a residential district in Zürich, Switzerland, located on the eastern slope of the Lindenhof, one of the oldest parts of the…
The Lindenhof is a moraine hill and a public square in the historic center of Zürich, Switzerland.
Teuscher is a chocolatier headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland.Teuscher's main store is on Zürich's famed Bahnhofstrasse.
Gift shop selling products manufactured according to the tradition. Wide selection for everyone, a place where to shop for souvenirs!
Museum just perfect for the children: its collections consist of hundreds of antique toys from the whole Europe.
The Zunfthaus zur Meisen is the guild house of the Zunft zur Meisen. It is one of the many historically valuable buildings in the Lindenhof…