Tento biely komplex sa nachádza v susedstve Bjørvika a je známym symbolom hlavného mesta.
Kráľovský palác v nórskom hlavnom meste Oslo je historická aj súčasná oficiálna rezidencia nórskej kráľovskej rodiny.
Pevnosť Akershus je pevnosť v nórskom hlavnom meste Osle. Jeho stavbu začal okolo roku 1300 kráľ Haakon V.
Toto jedinečné múzeum a sochársky park je úplne zasvätené dielu jediného človeka: Gustava Vigelanda.
Skladovacia budova je sídlom nórskeho parlamentu. Táto majestátna budova z 19. storočia je pozoruhodná najmä svojim zvláštnym tvarom a…
Heddal Stave Church is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Notodden Municipality in Telemark county, Norway.
Come see the furry inhabitants of Norway in one place. The park boasts a numerous bear family, as well as moose, deer, foxes and other…
Anno Museum in Hamar, Norway is a regional museum for the municipalities of Stange, Hamar, Løten, and Ringsaker in central eastern Norway.
The Peer Gynt Road is a 60-kilometre-long tourist mountain road, named for the folkloric character Per Gynt. It is a toll road.
Smaragd je priehľadná sýtozelená drahokamová odroda berylu, chemicky kremičitan berylnato-hlinitý.
Forollhogna National Park is a national park in the counties of Trøndelag and Innlandet in Norway.
Lom Stave Church is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Lom municipality in Innlandet county, Norway.
Gaustatoppen je hora ve Skandinávském pohoří v Norsku, vysoká 1883 metrů. Je nejvyšším vrcholem kraje Telemark.
Toto múzeum je v podstate mesto v meste. Desiatky budov, ktoré tu boli prestavané alebo premiestnené a ktoré sa datujú o stovky rokov dozadu…
Uvdal Stave Church is situated at Uvdal in the valley Numedal in Nore og Uvdal in Buskerud, Norway.
Galdhøpiggen je najvyšší vrch Nórska. Jeho výška je 2 464 m.
A popular amusement park for the whole family, featuring numerous exciting rides and attractions for folks of all different ages.
Sandefjordmuseene is a museum located in Sandefjord, Norway. It is dedicated to the whaling industry and is the only specialized museum on…
Whaler's Monument, also known as The Whaling Monument, is a rotating bronze memorial statue situated by the harbor in Sandefjord, Norway.