Tržnice je obvykle samostatná budova, která je projektována a vybavena tak, aby se v ním mohly konat trhy.
Hrázděná stavba je stavba, jejíž stěny jsou vybudovány technikou hrázdění.
Parc des Félins is a zoological park in France dedicated to the breeding and conservation of wild members of the cat family.
The Château du duc d'Épernon is a château, built on the site of a medieval castle located in Fontenay-Trésigny, in the Brie region of…
Longueville is a railway station in Longueville, Île-de-France, France.
Verneuil-l'Étang is a railway station in Verneuil-l'Étang, Île-de-France, France.
Pincevent is an archaeological site in the commune of La Grande-Paroisse in France, near the town of Montereau-Fault-Yonne.