História slávneho rímskeho námestia Piazza Navona sa začala písať v časoch, keď tu ešte stál rímsky štadión.
Fontána štyroch riek je názov rímskej fontány vytvorenej v rokoch 1648 – 1651 talianskym barokovým sochárom a architektom Gian Lorenzom…
The Fountain of Neptune is a fountain in Rome, Italy, located at the north end of the Piazza Navona.
Fontana del Moro is a fountain located at the southern end of the Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy.
Santa Maria in Vallicella, nazývaná také Chiesa Nuova, je kostel v Římě v Itálii, který stojí na ulici Corso Vittorio Emanuele na rohu Via…
Kostol Sant'Agnese in Agone je baroková sakrálna stavba stojaca na západnom ohraničení rímskeho námestia Piazza Navona.
Pekná pizzeria, ktorá podáva typickú tenkú rímsku pizzu. Nachádza sa len pár minút chôdze od námestia Piazza Navona.
Táto malá, útulná reštaurácia ukrytá neďaleko Piazza Navona je vo vlastníctve troch priateľov, Andrea, Simone a Riccardo.
Visit one of Rome's historic wine bars and choose from white, red or pink wines! You'll definitely find the best one for you here!
The Museo di Roma is a museum in Rome, Italy, part of the network of Roman civic museums.
Museo Barracco di Scultura Antica is a museum in Rome, Italy, featuring a collection of works acquired by the collector Giovanni Barracco,…
See also Palazzo Doria Pamphilj and Pamphilj Palace
The Palazzo della Cancelleria is a Renaissance palace in Rome, Italy, situated between the present Corso Vittorio Emanuele II and the Campo…
Built on the ruins of an ancient Theatre of Pompey, this venue presents various music shows. Many famous Italians have performed here.
San Pantaleo is an ancient church located on a piazza of the same name along Corso Vittorio Emanuele II in the Parione neighborhood of…
Palazzo Braschi is a large Neoclassical palace in Rome, Italy and is located between the Piazza Navona, the Campo de' Fiori, the Corso…