Merseburg Cathedral is the proto-cathedral of the former Bishopric of Merseburg in Merseburg, Germany.
A huge shopping mall just outside the city. Plenty of shops with clothes, cafés, restaurants, and fast food.
Many turf mazes in England were named Troy Town, Troy-town or variations on that theme presumably because, in popular legend, the walls of…
Geiseltalsee, literally Geisel valley lake, is at about 1,840 hectares the largest artificial lake by area in Germany.
Tupolev Tu-134 je sovietske dvojmotorové prúdové dopravné lietadlo. Lietadlo bolo vyrábané v rokoch 1966 až 1989.
Iliušin Il-14 bolo sovietske vrtuľové viacúčelové lietadlo, ktoré bolo vyrábané aj v Československu pod označením Avia Av-14.
Iliušin Il-62 je sovietske, resp. ruské dopravné prúdové lietadlo s dlhým doletom z prvej polovice 60. rokov 20. storočia.