Tento nádherný architektonický skvost z 15. storočia s nádhernou bielou fasádou je nádherným príkladom rôznych architektonických štýlov,…
Neoklasicistický palác, ktorý navrhol belgický architekt Joseph Poelaert, je považovaný za najväčšiu budovu postavenú v 19. storočí (má…
Námestie je vlastne nádherná záhradka so 48 bronzovými soškami. Nie je to ďaleko od rušného centra mesta a napriek tomu je pokojné a tiché.
The picturesque gate used to be the entrance to the city in the Middle Ages. It was rebuilt in the 19th century and now houses a museum.
Ak patríte k fanúšikom garážových výpredajov či starožitností, neobíďte tento trh. Každý deň sem prichádza viac než 500 predajcov.
The Church of Our Lady of the Chapel, or the Chapel Church, is a Catholic church located in the Marolles/Marollen district, in the historic…
The Great Synagogue of Europe, formerly known as the Great Synagogue of Brussels, is the main synagogue in Brussels, Belgium which was…
Brasserie-Brouwerij Cantillon is a small Belgian traditional family brewery based in Anderlecht, Brussels.
Hortův dům a ateliér je secesní dvojdům jehož autorem byl belgický architekt Victor Horta.
The South Tower is a 38-storey, 148 metres skyscraper constructed between 1962 and 1967 in Brussels, Belgium.
Hôtel Tassel je mestský dom postavený Victorom Hortom v Bruseli pre belgického vedca a profesora Emileho Tassela v roku 1893 – 1894.
Brasserie-Brouwerij Cantillon is a small Belgian traditional family brewery based in Anderlecht, Brussels.
The Fin-de-Siècle Museum is a museum in Brussels, Belgium, dedicated to the full spectrum of the arts of the period between 1884, when the…
Comme Chez Soi is a restaurant in Brussels, Belgium, which has garnered 2 Michelin star in its lifespan.
Stade Joseph Marien is a multi-use stadium in Brussels, Belgium. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of…
Tenbosch Park, Tenbosch or Tenbos, is a public park in the municipality of Ixelles in Brussels, Belgium.
A bakehouse is a building for baking bread. The term may be used interchangeably with the term "bakery", although the latter commonly…