The Former National Congress Building is the former home of the Chilean Congress.
Centro Cultural Palacio de La Moneda is a cultural facility located in Santiago, Chile, under Citizenry Square, in the southern façade of…
Santa Lucía Hill, also known in Mapuche as Huelén Hill, is a small hill in the centre of Santiago, Chile.
Metropolitní katedrála v Santiagu, také Katedrála Nanebevzetí Nejsvětější Panny Marie, je hlavní katolický metropolitní chrám v Chile,…
Tento trh môžete cítiť za rohom - množstvo rýb, ktoré sa tu každý deň predáva, je neuveriteľné.
Barrio Bellavista is an area that lies between the Mapocho River and San Cristóbal Hill in Santiago, Chile.
San Cristóbal Hill is a hill in northern Santiago, Chile. It rises 850 m AMSL and about 300 m above the rest of Santiago; the peak is the…
The Museum of Memory and Human Rights is a museum in Santiago, Chile, which commemorates the victims of human rights violations during the…
The Teatro Municipal, National Opera of Chile is the most important stage theatre and opera house in Santiago, Chile.
La Moneda je neoklasicistní palác v chilském hlavním městě Santiago de Chile.
La Chascona is a house in the Barrio Bellavista of Santiago, Chile, which was owned by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.
Park sochárstva je jedným z najzaujímavejších miest v meste, pretože ponúka sochy rôznych čílskych umelcov.
The Chilean National Museum of Natural History is one of three national museums in Chile, along with the Museum of Fine Arts and the…
Quinta Normal Park is an urban park in the city of Santiago, Chile. The park is in a commune, or district of the same name, Quinta Normal.
The Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral is a cultural center located on 227 Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, in Santiago de Chile.
Estación Mapocho is a former railway station that, since 1994, has been refitted as a cultural centre that hosts many kinds of events.
Táto obrovská čílska vlajka sa nachádza na 61 metrov vysokom oceľovom stožiari umiestnenom medzi námestím Plaza de la Ciudadanía a námestím…
The Palacio Cousiño is a palace that was designed and built for Isidora Goyenechea, widow of Luis Cousiño, who in turn was son of Matías…
The San Francisco Church is a Franciscan church on Avenida Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, in the downtown of Santiago de Chile.
Gran Torre Santiago je mrakodrap postavený roku 2013 v chilském hlavním městě Santiago de Chile.
Avenida Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, popularly known as 'La Alameda', is the main avenue of Santiago, Chile.