Erasmusbrug je zavesený most na rieke Nieuwe Maas, ktorý spája južnú a severnú časť mesta Rotterdam v Holandsku.
Binnenhof je komplex budov v Haagu, který je shromaždištěm Generálních stavů od roku 1446 a je středem politického dění Nizozemska po mnoho…
The Markthal is a residential and office building with a market hall underneath, located in Rotterdam.
Cube houses are a set of innovative houses built in Helmond and Rotterdam in the Netherlands, designed by architect Piet Blom and based on…
One of the few buildings that survived the WWII. This Art Deco masterpiece is a nice change from the modern architecture of the city.
The Witte Huis or White House is a building and National Heritage Site in Rotterdam, Netherlands, built in 1898 in the Art Nouveau style.
Palác míru, nizozemsky Vredespaleis, je budova v nizozemském městě Haag.
The Scheveningen Pier is a pleasure pier in the Dutch resort town of Scheveningen near The Hague.
Small yet extraordinarily lively square won't let you get bored while visiting the city. The live music will wake you up!
Palác Noordeinde je jeden ze tří oficiálních paláců nizozemské královské rodiny. Nachází se v Haagu v provincii Jižní Holandsko.
Keukenhof, známy tiež ako „Záhrada Európy“, je najväčší kvetinový park v Holandsku a zároveň aj v Európe.
Sieť mlynov v Kinderdijk-Elshout je sústava 19 veterných mlynov, ale aj administratívnych budov a kultúrnej krajiny hrádzí, kanálov,…
Cheese market with a tradition of more than three centuries.
The Maeslantkering is a storm surge barrier on the Nieuwe Waterweg, in South Holland, Netherlands. It was constructed from 1991 to 1997.
Hellevoetsluis Dry Dock is a historic double dry dock in Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands.
Vogelpark Avifauna is a large bird park in Alphen aan den Rijn, in the western Netherlands.
Sint Janskerk je velká pozdně gotická bazilika v nizozemském městě Gouda, zasvěcená sv. Janu Křtiteli, patronovi Goudy.
Dordrechts Museum is an art museum in Dordrecht, Netherlands. The museum was founded in 1842 and has a collection of artists of the last 400…
The Grote Kerk of Dordrecht, officially the Church of Our Lady is a large church in the Brabantine Gothic style, and the largest church in…
HNLMS Buffel is a 19th-century ironclad ram ship. She was one of the main attractions of the Maritime Museum Rotterdam, also known as the…
Binnenvaartmuseum is a floating museum in Dordrecht, South Holland, Netherlands, on the Wantij waterway near the former shipyard De…