Otvorený priestranný park, ktorý sa nachádza v blízkosti centra Bostonu, je najstarším verejným parkom v USA.
Časť cesty slobody a domov jednej z kľúčových osobností americkej revolúcie - Paul Revere.
Trh nie je len skvelým miestom na nákupy, ale môže sa pochváliť aj veľmi zaujímavou históriou.
Nezabudnite navštíviť jednu z najkrajších historických štvrtí Bostonu. Kúzelné ulice, plynové lampy a staré domy vytvárajú čaro.
Tento kostol, známy aj ako Kristov kostol v Bostone, má tri záznamy. Je to najstarší kostol v Bostone, najnavštevovanejšia historická…
The Freedom Trail is a 2.5-mile-long path through Boston that passes by 17 locations significant to the history of the United States.
Na tomto mieste došlo v roku 1770 k incidentu, ktorý sa teraz považuje za jeden zo iskier, ktoré zapálili revolučnú vojnu. 5. marca 1770…
King's Chapel is an American independent Christian unitarian congregation affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association that is …
The Massachusetts State House, also known as the Massachusetts Statehouse or the New State House, is the state capitol and seat of…
Park Street Congregational Church, founded in 1804, is a historic and active evangelical congregational church in Downtown Boston,…
Arnold Arboretum je sbírka dřevin Harvardovy univerzity a patří k nejznámějším arboretům světa.
Bostonská univerzita je soukromá americká výzkumná univerzita v Bostonu v Massachusetts.
Fort Independence is a granite bastion fort that provided harbor defenses for Boston, Massachusetts, located on Castle Island.
Jamaica Pond is a kettle pond, part of the Emerald Necklace of parks in Boston designed by Frederick Law Olmsted.
Forest Hills Cemetery is a historic 275-acre rural cemetery, greenspace, arboretum and sculpture garden located in the Forest Hills section…
The Warren Anatomical Museum, housed within Harvard Medical School's Countway Library of Medicine, was founded in 1847 by Harvard professor…
Revere Beach is a public beach in Revere, Massachusetts, measuring over three miles long and located about five miles north of downtown…
Boston Light is a lighthouse located on Little Brewster Island in outer Boston Harbor, Massachusetts.
Harvard Stadium is a U-shaped college football stadium in the northeast United States, located in the Allston neighborhood of Boston,…
Fort Warren is a historic fort on the 28-acre Georges Island at the entrance to Boston Harbor.
The New England Confectionery Company Factory, also known as the NECCO Candy Factory, is an historic factory complex at 250 Massachusetts…