Významné pútnické miesto vysvätené v roku 1253 je nielen hlavným kostolom františkánskeho rádu, ale aj nádherným architektonickým klenotom.
Cascata delle Marmore je umělý vodopád na řece Velino osm kilometrů od italského města Terni.
Katedrála Nanebevzetí Panny Marie v Orvietu je gotický chrám v italském městě Orvieto, v provincii Terni v Umbrii.
The Fontana Maggiore, a masterpiece of medieval sculpture, placed in the centre of Piazza IV Novembre, is the monument symbol of the city…
The Rocca Maggiore is a castle which dominated, for more than eight hundred years, the citadel of Assisi and the valley of Tescio,…
The Basilica of Saint Clare is a church in Assisi, central Italy. It is dedicated to and contains the remains of Clare of Assisi, a follower…
The Pozzo di San Patrizio is a historic well in Orvieto, Umbria, central Italy.
The Rocca Paolina was a Renaissance fortress in Perugia, built in 1540-1543 for Pope Paul III to designs by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger.
The Temple of Minerva is an ancient Roman building in Assisi, Umbria, central Italy.
The Eremo delle Carceri is a hermitage complex located 791 metres above sea level in a steep forest gorge upon Monte Subasio, in Umbria, in…
Spoleto Cathedral is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Spoleto-Norcia created in 1821, previously that of the diocese of Spoleto, and the…
The Basilica of Sant'Ubaldo is a Roman Catholic church atop Mount Ingino, outside central Gubbio in Umbria, Italy.
San Damiano is a church with a monastery near Assisi, Italy. Built in the 12th century, it was the first monastery of the Order of Saint…
San Salvatore is a romanesque-style, former basilica church located in the center of Spoleto, Province of Perugia, region of Umbria, Italy.
The Palazzo dei Consoli is a Gothic architecture, civic building in the historic center of Gubbio, region of Umbria, Italy.
The so-called Temple of Clitumnus is a small early medieval church that sits along the banks of the Clitunno river in the town of…
La Scarzuola is an architectural complex in Umbria, located in Montegiove hamlet in the comune of Montegabbione, Terni Province.
Palazzo dei Priori is a palace in Todi, Italy.
San Fortunato is a Gothic- and Renaissance-style, Roman Catholic church located on Piazza Umberto I #6 in the historic center of Todi,…
The Trinci Palace is a patrician residence in the center of Foligno, central Italy.
Santa Maria della Consolazione is a Renaissance-style pilgrimage church in Todi, Italy.