Velmistrovský palác je palác v hlavním města Malty Vallettě. Je největším palácem ve městě, nachází se na Náměstí sv.
The Upper Barrakka Gardens are a public garden in Valletta, Malta. Along with the Lower Barrakka Gardens in the same city, they offer a…
Konkatedrála svatého Jana je římskokatolická konkatedrála v hlavním městě Malty Vallettě. Je zasvěcená svatému Janu Křtiteli.
Pevnost St. Elmo je bastionová pevnost ve Vallettě na poloostrově Sciberras, která byla poprvé vybudována v roce 1551, aby chránila vjezd do…
Casa Rocca Piccola is a 16th-century palace in Malta, and home of the noble Maltese family de Piro.
The Collegiate Parish Church of St Paul's Shipwreck, also known as simply the Church of St Paul's Shipwreck, is a Roman Catholic parish…
Auberge de Castille je palác v hlavním městě Malty Vallettě. Nachází se na Náměstí Castile, na nejvyšším místě Valletty, a je z něj tudíž…
Hypogeum v Hal Saflieni je trojposchodový, viac ako 10,6 m hlboký komplex o celkovej ploche okolo 500 m² pochádzajúci z doby asi 3800 až…
Teatru Manoel is a theatre and important performing arts venue in Malta.
The Inquisitor's Palace, also known as the Sacred Palace, is a palace in Birgu, Malta.
The Royal Opera House, also known as the Royal Theatre, was an opera house and performing arts venue in Valletta, Malta.
The National Museum of Archaeology is a Maltese museum in Valletta, with artefacts from prehistory, Phoenician times and a notable…
St Paul's Pro-Cathedral, officially The Pro-Cathedral and Collegiate Church of Saint Paul, is an Anglican pro-cathedral of the Diocese in…
The Rinella Battery was a Victorian battery in Kalkara, Malta. It is commonly referred to as Fort Rinella, although it was never classified…
The Tarxien Temples are an archaeological complex in Tarxien, Malta. They date to approximately 3150 BC.
The Wignacourt Aqueduct is a 17th-century aqueduct in Malta, which was built by the Order of Saint John to carry water from springs in…
Saint James Cavalier is a 16th-century cavalier in Valletta, Malta, which was built by the Order of St John.
MUŻA is an art museum located at Auberge d'Italie in Valletta, Malta. It was formerly located at Admiralty House between 1974 and 2016, when…
The Church of St Catherine of Alexandria, commonly known as the Church of St Catherine of Italy is a Roman Catholic church in Valletta,…
Bay Street is a hotel, commercial, and entertainment complex in St. Julian's, Malta.