Samotné centrum historického jadra mesta. Námestie je lemované nádhernými pamiatkami, ako je zvonica a zemský súd.
Rozenhoedkaai je východiskom pre plavbu loďou, ako aj miestom ponúkajúcim tie najúchvatnejšie výhľady v Bruggách.
Toto malé námestie s takmer 2 miliónmi dlhou históriou obývania ľuďmi je historickým centrom mesta.
Výhľad na túto obrovskú stavbu je nemožný. Kostolná veža je svojou obrovskou výškou 115 metrov druhou najväčšou vežou na svete a zároveň…
Táto 83 metrov vysoká zvonica je jednou z najdôležitejších pamiatok v Bruggách.
The In Flanders Fields Museum is a museum in Ypres, Belgium, dedicated to the study of the First World War.
The Count's Chapel is a medieval chapel in Kortrijk, Belgium. It is located next to the Church of Our Lady.
Station Roeselare is a Belgian railway station on railway line 66 in the city of Roeselare.
The Menin Gate, officially the Menin Gate Memorial to the Missing, is a war memorial in Ypres, Belgium, dedicated to the British and…
The Canadian Hill 62 Memorial is a war memorial that commemorates the actions of the Canadian Corps in defending the southern stretches of…
HMS Vindictive was a British Arrogant-class cruiser built at Chatham Dockyard. She was launched on 9 December 1897 and completed in 1899.
Tillegem Castle is a castle in Belgium.
Sint-Petrus-en-Pauluskerk is a Roman Catholic church in Ostend, Belgium.
Lissewege is a sub-municipality of the city of Bruges located in the province of West Flanders, Flemish Region, Belgium.
Tretia bitka o Ypres alebo bitka o Passchendaele bola jednou z najvýznamnejších bitiek prvej svetovej vojny.
Fort Napoleon in Ostend is a polygonal fort built in the Napoleonic era. It has recently been restored and is open to the public.
Kemmelberg je protáhlé návrší v belgickém regionu Heuvelland. Dosahuje maximální nadmořské výšky 156 m a je nejvyšším vrcholem provincie…
The Church of Our Lady is a former collegiate church located in the centre of Kortrijk, Belgium.
Saint Martin's Church is the main Roman Catholic church and one of the principal Gothic monuments of Kortrijk, West Flanders, Belgium.
Tyne Cot Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery and Memorial to the Missing je válečný hřbitov u vesnice Passchendaele v Belgii.