Olympia je svätostánok antického Grécka, nachádzajúci sa v Elide, v severozápadnej časti Peloponézu, na východ od Pyrgu, náboženské,…
The Patras Castle was built around the mid-6th century AD above the ruins of the ancient acropolis of the city of Patras, on a low outlying…
The Leonidaion was the lodging place for athletes taking part in the Olympic Games at Olympia.
The palaestra at Olympia is the ground or grounds in ancient Olympia where πάλη, Doric πάλα, "wrestling," was taught and performed for…
Chlemoutsi, also known as Clermont, is a medieval castle in the northwest of the Elis regional unit in the Peloponnese peninsula of…
Most Rio-Antirio je most v Řecku spojující města Rio na poloostrově Peloponés a Antirio v Akarnánii přes Korintský záliv.
Diův chrám v Olympii byl hlavní a největší chrám ve starověké Olympii.
Trichonida je jazero v krajskej jednotke Etoloakarnania v kraji Západné Grécko v Grécku. Leží na dne tektonickej prepadliny.
The Temple of Hera, or Heraion, is an ancient Archaic Greek temple at Olympia, Greece, that was dedicated to Hera, queen of the Greek gods.
Trichonida je jazero v krajskej jednotke Etoloakarnania v kraji Západné Grécko v Grécku. Leží na dne tektonickej prepadliny.
The Ambracian Gulf, also known as the Gulf of Arta or the Gulf of Actium, and in some official documents as the Amvrakikos Gulf, is a gulf…
Republic F-84F Thunderstreak byl americký proudový stíhací bombardovací letoun se šípovým křídlem.
Republic F-84F Thunderstreak byl americký proudový stíhací bombardovací letoun se šípovým křídlem.
Republic F-84F Thunderstreak byl americký proudový stíhací bombardovací letoun se šípovým křídlem.
Pampeloponnisiako Stadium is a stadium located in Patras, Greece. The stadium was originally built 1981 as National Stadium of Patras.
The Kotsanas Museum of Ancient Greek Technology is a museum focused on the technology and technological advances used and pioneered in…
The recently restored odeon, dating back more than 2000 years is the most beautiful sight of Patras.
Pleuron was a city in ancient Aetolia, Greece. The name refers to two settlements, the older of which was at the foot of Mount Curium…
Located in the fir-tree forest of Mt. Drymonas, this hotel features free Wi-Fi and elegant rooms with a furnished balcony overlooking Lake…