Pyynikki is a district and a nature reserve in Tampere, Finland. It is located in the Pyynikinharju ridge, between the city center and the…
Moomin Museum is situated in the city of Tampere, Finland. Shown at the Moomin Museum are illustrations by Tove Jansson, 40 miniatures,…
Struveho geodetický oblúk je sústava triangulačných bodov, ktoré sa tiahnu v celkovej dĺžke 2 820 km od najsevernejšieho bodu v Hammerfeste…
Stará Rauma je označenie pre centrum fínskeho mesta Rauma, ktoré je postavené z dreva. Na ploche okolo 0,3 km² sa nachádza okolo 600 domov.
Kvarken je názov pásu mora s početnými ostrovmi, ktorý vedie v Baltickom mori na juhu Botnického zálivu od švédskej pevniny k fínskej.
Helvetinjärvi, celým menom Helvetinjärven kansallispuisto je národný park v západnom Fínsku v provincii Pirkanmaa neďaleko mesta Ruovesi.
Pyhä-Häkki National Park is a national park in Central Finland. It was established in 1956 and covers 13 square kilometres.
Kauhaneva–Pohjankangas National Park is a national park in the municipalities of Kauhajoki and Karvia in the Southern Ostrobothnia and…
Wolf Cave is a crack in the Pyhävuori mountain in Kristinestad, near the Karijoki municipality in Finland.
Leivonmäki National Park is a national park in Central Finland. It was established in 2003 and covers 29 square kilometres.
Pispala is a city area 2.5 km from the centre of Tampere, Finland. It is located on the northern slope of Pispalanharju, the highest esker…
Isojärvi, celým jménem Isojärven kansallispuisto je národní park v západním Finsku v provincii Střední Finsko na katastru obce Kuhmoinen.
Seitseminen, plným jménem Seitsemisen kansallispuisto je národní park v západním Finsku v provincii Pirkanmaa.
Puurijärvi-Isosuo National Park is a national park in the Pirkanmaa and Satakunta regions of Finland.
Yyteri is a district and a beach in the city of Pori, Finland. It is located about 17 kilometres from the centre, bordering the Baltic Sea.
A nice ski centre that offers several slopes and also opportunities to brush up on your skills in the skiing school.
Lauhanvuori National Park is a national park in the Southern Ostrobothnia region of Finland, on the border of Kauhajoki and Isojoki.
Centrum zimných športov - v zime si užite báječné lyžovanie a v lete vzrušujúce cyklistiku.
The six slopes will definitely keep you entertained. There are ski lessons available and special slopes for children, too.