Nankin-machi is a neighborhood in Kobe, Japan located south of Motomachi station adjacent to the Daimaru Department Store and is a major…
Stovky obchodov, reštaurácií a desiatky atrakcií pre rodiny a deti robia z tejto oblasti obľúbenú štvrť medzi turistami.
The Shin-Kōbe Ropeway is Japanese aerial lift line in Kōbe, Hyōgo, operated by Kōbe City Urban Development.
Táto elegantná reštaurácia je známa tým, že ponúka len hovädzie mäso najvyššej kvality, ktoré sa vyrába starostlivým chovom v Kobe.
Nunobiki Falls is a set of waterfalls near downtown Kobe, Japan, with an important significance in Japanese literature and Japanese art.
Zemětřesení v Kóbe, které je známé také jako Velké hanšinské zemětřesení, bylo zaznamenáno v jižní části japonské prefektury Hjógo 17.…
The gardens of Sōraku-en are in Chūō-ku, Kobe, Japan. Formerly attached to the Taishō-era residence of Kodera Yasujirō, ownership passed to…
Ikuta Shrine is a Shinto shrine in the Chūō Ward of Kobe, Japan, and is possibly among the oldest shrines in the country.
Enjoy the view of the city from the observation deck.
Kobe Maritime Museum is a museum in Kobe, Japan focusing on the history of Japanese shipping and Kobe harbor.
Meriken Park is a waterfront park located in the port city of Kobe, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan.
Kobe Masjid, also known as Kobe Muslim Masjid, was founded in October 1935 in Kobe and is Japan's first masjid.
Táto architektonicky unikátna stavba impozantnej výšky (108 metrov) bola postavená v roku 1963.
Count Mutsu Munemitsu was a Japanese diplomat and politician. He became Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1890 and worked to revise unequal…