Tento úžasný palác z 15. storočia vás určite zaujme hneď, ako ho uvidíte. Je to báječné zvonku aj zvnútra. Jeho fasáda je bohato zdobená a je tu veľká zbierka umenia. Najlepšie fotografie sú prevzaté z vody.
Stiahnuť Stiahnuť Ďalšie informácieTicket office closes 30 min before closing.
Times on Sundays and holidays are subject to change from time to time. Closed on Jan 1, May 1 and Dec 25.
Adults: €8.50 (+ €1.50 reservation fee)
Students: €6.50 (+ €1.50 reservation fee)
Children (up to 18), EU seniors (65+): free
(+ €1.50 reservation fee)
Free admission every first Sunday of the month!
Free admission during Settimana del Museo (Museum Week) and
8 free admissions chosen by the museum directors, check the official website.
Wikipedia https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ca'_d'Oro
Official website http://www.cadoro.org/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MuseoCadoro
Email pm-ven.franchetti@beniculturali.it
Telefón +39 041 5222349
Adresa Sestiere Cannaregio 3932, 30121 Venice, Italy
Súradnice 45°26'27.175" N 12°20'2.031" E