Second Temple of Hera (also called of Neptune or Poseidon)

Miestny názovTempio di Nettuno
PolohaSalerno, Taliansko

The Temple of Hera II, is a Greek temple of Magna Graecia in Paestum, Campania, Italy. It was built in the Doric order around 460–450 BC, just north of the first Hera Temple of around 550–525 BC.

The name "Temple of Neptune" is a misnomer from the 18th century, it is now thought it was actually dedicated to the goddess Hera, although it is possible that Poseidon was also a dedicatee.

A. W. Lawrence described it as "the best preserved of all Greek temples". It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998.

Tagy ZrúcaninyArcheologické náleziskoChrám
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Christian Weigt

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Adresa Paestum 84047, Italy

Súradnice 40°25'11.676" N 15°0'19.44" E

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