Danimarka-Prusya Savaşı anıtı kent sakinleri arasında "Altın Lizzie" olarak anılmaktadır. Aslında, Königsplatz'da bulunuyordu, ancak 2.
Jonathan Borofsky tarafından tasarlanan Molecule Man, 1999 yılında alüminyumdan yapılmış bir heykeldir. 30 metre yüksekliğindeki eser,…
Saksonya prenslerinin soyunu gösteren, 25.000 porselen karodan oluşan, 100 metreden uzun, etkileyici bir duvar resmi.
Marienplatz'daki Yeni Belediye Binası kulesinde bulunan bu araba, Münih'in ticari markalarından biri ve turistlerin favorisi.
Garip bir şekilde dekore edilmiş binaları ve sanatsal butikleri ile bu avlu gerçekten merak uyandırıcı bir yer.
Bu 20. yüzyıl çeşmesini süsleyen heykellerin sizi şaşırtacağından emin olabilirsiniz.
The Eiserner Steg is a footbridge spanning the river Main in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, which connects the centre of Frankfurt with…
Frankfurt, Avrupa finans merkezi olarak kabul edildiğinden, bu çarpıcı Euro işareti anıtı bir şekilde buraya ait.
The Heidelberg Bridge Monkey dates back to the 15th century. It was a stone statue sitting in the tower of the Old Bridge, which was located…
Bremen Mızıkacıları, Grimm Kardeşler'in yazdığı masallardan biridir. Fabl uslübunda yazılmıştır.
Kiefernstraße is a street in the Flingern-Süd district of Düsseldorf that became notorious in the 1980s for squatting.
Walking Man is a 1995 sculpture by Jonathan Borofsky, standing 17 metres tall and weighing 16 tonnes.
This bronze sculpture commemorates the history of Düsseldorf. It reminds of wars and battles won, and other important historic achievements.
Neptunbrunnen is a fountain located in the Alter Botanischer Garten of Munich, Germany.
Uelzen is a railway station located in Uelzen, Germany, at the eastern edge of the Lüneburg Heath Nature Park.
Tiger and Turtle – Magic Mountain is an art installation and landmark in Duisburg, Germany, built in 2011.
St Peter's Church is a Roman Catholic church in Cologne, run by the Jesuits.
A Futuro house, or Futuro Pod, is a round, prefabricated house designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen, of which fewer than 100 were…
The Haus am Horn is a domestic house in Weimar, Germany, designed by Georg Muche.
This gallery focuses on contemporary art and the most recent trends. Well worth visiting especially if you're an art fan.
Edwin Scharff was a German sculptor. He was born in Neu-Ulm and died in Hamburg.