Yehova'nın Şahitleri, binyılcı, restorasyoncu ve teslis karşıtı inanca sahip, ana akım Hristiyanlıktan ayrılan bir Hristiyan mezhebidir.
The Central Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Almaty, Kazakhstan and the largest sports complex in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Almatı Televizyon Kulesi, Kazakistan'ın Almatı kentinde yer alan bir televizyon kulesidir.
Central Recreation Park, commonly known as Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation is an urban park located in the Medeu District of…
The Golden Warrior Monument stands on Republic Square in the former capital of Kazakhstan, Almaty.
The Esentai, also known as the Vesnovka in Russian, is a left branch river of the Malaya Almatinka.