Set next to the Valley of the Moon, it has a similiar surface resembling the moon. Incredible views and surroundings, a must-see.
They say that if you haven't been to the Dead Sea, this will do the trick. The salt concentration in this turquoise water is even higher.
Pukará de Quitor is a pre-Columbian archaeological site in northern Chile.
Marvel at the beautiful lakes in the area which was declared a Wetland of International Importance. A must-see if you're visiting the desert.
Enjoy the glorious sunrise or sunset while observing the pink flamingos who live in this lagoon. It's a part of the nature reserve.
The Church of San Pedro de Atacama is a Catholic church in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
Explore this unique wooded area with an oasis. There are even pools suitable for swimming.
Atacama Çölü, Şili'nin kuzeyinde bulunan dünyanın en kurak sıcak çölüdür. Batısında Büyük Okyanus bulunur.
Declared a national monument in 1974, the ruins of the silver foundation are located right next to the Museum of the Atacama Desert.
Laguna Miscanti is a brackish water lake located in the altiplano of the Antofagasta Region in northern Chile.
Licancabur, 5.920 m yüksekliğinde sönmüş bir volkan. Bolivya-Şili sınırında Laguna Verde gölü yakınlarında bulunup, Atacama Çölü üzerinde…
The St. Joseph's Cathedral also called Antofagasta Cathedral It is a religious building of the Catholic Church located in the city of…
The Mano del Desierto is a large-scale sculpture of a hand located in the Atacama Desert in Chile, about 60 km to the south and east of the…
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope is a six-meter diameter telescope located on Cerro Toco in the Atacama Desert in the north of Chile, near…
Paranal Observatory is an astronomical observatory operated by the European Southern Observatory.
Chuquicamata, Şili'nin kuzeyinde, Atacama Çölü'nde bir kent. Calama kentine yaklaşık 15 km uzaklıktadır.
This shallow lake reflects its surroundings and it's simply breath-taking. Come here to watch the sunset, you won't regret it!
Tulor is an archaeological site located in the Norte Grande natural region of the Antofagasta Region, Chile near San Pedro de Atacama.
R. P. Gustavo Le Paige Archaeological Museum is a museum located in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
Llullaillaco veya Llullaillabur, 6.739 m yüksekliği ile Monte Pissis ve Ojos del Salado'dan sonra yeryüzünün üçüncü en yüksek volkanı,…
San Francisco de Chiu Chiu, or simply Chiu Chiu, is a village located about 30 km northeast of the city of Calama, in El Loa Province of…