The Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey is an abbey located within the city and island of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, in the department of Manche.
Savigny Abbey was a monastery near the village of Savigny-le-Vieux, in northern France. It was founded early in the 12th century.
The Abbaye Blanche was a nunnery founded in 1112 in Mortain, France.
Thomas Becket, İngiliz piskopos ve aziz.
M4 Sherman, ABD yapımı II. Dünya Savaşı'nda ABD ordu ve deniz piyade kolordusunun temel tank sınıfı olan orta sınıf tanktır.
Mont-de-Huisnes German war cemetery is a military war grave mausoleum, located 1 km north of Huisnes-sur-Mer and a few kilometres southwest…
The Brittany American Cemetery and Memorial is located in Saint-James, Normandy, France, near the northeastern edge of Brittany.
Georges-René Le Peley de Pléville was the governor of the port of Marseilles, a French admiral, minister for the navy and the colonies from…