Yeşil Göl, Tragöß civarında Steiermark/Avusturya'da bir durgun sudur. Hochschwab Grubu'nun güney tarafında Adriyatik Denizi'nin 776 m.…
Mariaze Bazilikası Avusturya'nın Mariazell şehrinde Meryem Ana’ya adanmış bir bazilika kilisedir.
Oberkapfenberg Castle is a castle in Styria, Austria. It is 592 metres above sea level.
The Bärenschützklamm is a narrow valley in the Graz Highlands in the Austrian Central Alps.
The Rax is a mountain range in the Northern Limestone Alps on the border of the Austrian federal provinces of Lower Austria and Styria.
Preiner Gscheid Pass is a high mountain pass in the Austrian Alps in the Bundesland of Lower Austria.
The Rax is a mountain range in the Northern Limestone Alps on the border of the Austrian federal provinces of Lower Austria and Styria.