Aziz Paul Katedrali veya Paul Katedrali, İngiltere'nin başkenti Londra'da bulunan Anglikan katedrali ve Londra Piskoposluğunun merkezidir.
Edirburgh'un kalbindeki Royal Mile caddesi üzerinde yer alan katedral, şehrin tarihi mimarisini yansıtmakta ve en önemli simgelerinden biri…
Gotik tarzda tasarlanan ve Meryem Ana'ya adanmış olan bu Anglikan kilisesi, Norman'ın fethinden önce ibadet yeri olarak hizmet vermiştir.
Bu güzel katedral, İskoç Gotik mimarisinin harika bir örneğidir. 12. yüzyıla kadar uzanır ve mezarın mezarında bulunan Glasgow'un kurucusu…
The Cathedral Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, commonly known as St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, is a cathedral of the Scottish Episcopal…
York Minster, formally the "Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York", is an Anglican cathedral in the city of York,…
The Cathedral Church of Saint Philip is a Church of England cathedral and the seat of the Bishop of Birmingham.
The Cathedral of St Andrew is a ruined cathedral in St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.
Winchester Kutsal Teslis Katedral Kilisesi, İngiltere'nin Winchester şehrinde bulunan bir katedraldir.
Bristol Cathedral, formally the Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, is a Church of England cathedral in the city of Bristol…
Dunblane Cathedral is the larger of the two Church of Scotland parish churches serving Dunblane, near the city of Stirling, in central…
Newcastle Cathedral, formally the Cathedral Church of St Nicholas, is a Church of England cathedral in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear,…
Wells Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral in Wells, Somerset, England, dedicated to St Andrew the Apostle and seat of the Bishop of Bath and…
St Albans Cathedral, officially the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban but often referred to locally as "the Abbey", is a Church of…
Chichester Cathedral, formally known as the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, is the seat of the Anglican Bishop of Chichester.
St. Luke's Greek Orthodox Cathedral is a cathedral of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Dowanhill district of Glasgow, Scotland.
Exeter Cathedral, properly known as the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter in Exeter, is an Anglican cathedral, and the seat of the Bishop of…
Bradford Cathedral, or the Cathedral Church of St Peter, is an Anglican cathedral in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, one of three co…
Lancaster Cathedral, also known as The Cathedral Church of St Peter and Saint Peter's Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Lancaster…
St Ninian's Cathedral in Perth is a cathedral of the Scottish Episcopal Church in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane.
Blackburn Cathedral, officially known as the Cathedral Church of Saint Mary the Virgin with Saint Paul, is an Anglican cathedral situated…