Yapımına 1344 yılında başlanan bu Gotik mucizesi olmadan Prag semaları muhtemelen boş görünürdü. 3 koridorlu Roma Katolik Katedrali,…
Aziz George Bazilikası, Bohemya Dükü I. Vratislaus tarafından 920 yılında inşa edilmiştir.
Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Çekya'nın başkenti Prag'ın eski şehir bölümünde geç gotik ve barok tarzında inşa edilen kilise.
Týn Kilisesi, Çekya'nın başkenti Prag'da bulunan bir gotik kilisedir. Kilise, Eski Kent'te yer almakta olup 14. ve 16. yüzyıllarda inşa…
Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Prag'ın Malá Strana adlı küçük kasabasında bulunan Barok tarzda yapılmış bir kilisedir. 1704-1755 yılları arasında,…
Saint James` church is a late Gothic three-nave church situated in James' square in the centre of Brno, in Czech Republic.
The Red Church is a Protestant Church in Brno, Czech Republic. It was designed by architect Heinrich von Ferstel and built up between 1863…
Saint Wenceslas Cathedral is a gothic cathedral at Wenceslas Square in Olomouc, in the Czech Republic, founded in 1107.
Church of Saint Maurice is a Roman Catholic church in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Church of the Name of the Virgin Mary is a Roman Catholic church in Křtiny, South Moravian Region, Czech Republic.
St. Vitus Church in Český Krumlov, Czech Republic, is an important late-Gothic monument from 1407 to 1438, with later modifications.
Nepomuklu Aziz John Hac Kilisesi Zelená hora'da, Çekya'daki Žďár nad Sázavou yakınlarında, Moravya ve Bohemya arasındaki tarihi sınırda yer…
The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit is a principal church of the Diocese of Hradec Králové in the Czech Republic and also the seat of the…
Co-Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is a Gothic church in the historic city centre of Opava in the Czech Republic.
This beautiful little church was built of wood and remains one of the most important historic buildings in the region.
Holding true to Brno's tradition, this church was built in the Functionalist style. Worth the visit for any architecture enthusiast.
Church of the Sacrifice of the Virgin Mary is a church located on Piaristic square in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
The Dietrichstein tomb is a tomb of the Dietrichstein family in Mikulov in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic.
The Church of the Holy Trinity is a Roman Catholic parish church in Fulnek, Czech Republic.